
Depuis 2009
Agrément Communautaire pour l'exercice de la profession d'Expert-Comptable
et Commissaire aux Comptes dans les six pays d'Afrique Centrale
- AGRÉÉ ONEC RDC (Congo Kinshasa) -
Experts-Mac... Une Vision Éclairée du Conseil, par l'Afrique pour le Monde.

At the end of this year 2022, we want to thank each one of you, for being part of Experts-Mac Community.
We appreciate your great partnership, work, commitment and dedication to each other, which have been high to our Services's progress and success. Over 500 accountants and leaders from across Africa appreciated our Training Program for the new Customs Code, the Exchange Rate Regulation, SYCOHADA, IFRS and others topics.
We hope your Business growing more and wish you a very Happy New Year 2023.
Experts-Mac : An Enlightened Vision of Advice by Africa for the World.
Who We Are - What We Do
Who We Are?
We value Africa continent.
As an independant advice firm, Experts-Mac offering the following services:
Audit and advice
Tax and Legal
Expats Payroll
Social and secretary
Facility Management...
Experts-Mac firm is member of the Central Africa Accounting Body (CEMAC).
We offer advice in French, English and Germany.
Our experts on Telecom, Banking, Oil&Gaz, Petroleum and Mine fields will help you on finding best solutions to manage your business in the Africa Subsahara countries.
Our Partners and Managers are international people, experienced and graduated from many countries (Canada, France, Germany...).

Quality, Excellence, proactivity...
These are the principles on which we built our business.
With offices in Chad, Cameroon and Congo, we advice you and your company everywhere in Subsahara Africa region, and internationaly.
Experts-Mac has built its reputation on its professionalism, availability and customer proximity.

Our clients: Our Strength!
Our clients are of the utmost importance. Most of our business comes from clients with whom we already do business or who have heard about us.
Our service quality and personal attention our team reserves to each of you, justify this confidence. The experience, multidisciplinary and dynamism of our team deserve this distinctive performance.
We are here for You, to provide you with best solutions and advices.